Trustworthy person – Top 10 worthy traits to develop

Do you know being a trustworthy person is the best way to prove your


People like you when you are trustworthy. Your trustworthiness makes you
dependable and reliable. When you are reliable and straightforward, people do not feel apprehensive about having connections with you.

It is because your truthfulness conveys the message that they will never be cheated by you anytime in their life.

But to bring forth your image as a trustworthy person is not something which is handed over in a platter to you. In fact, it is very tough to be stamped as a person who can be trusted and relied upon.

It takes years of behaving in a dependable manner to make people build trust around you

Being a trustworthy person needs character, honesty and many other intricate qualities.

People do not trust everyone who happens to cross their way.

So, what makes people trust you above their friends and relatives?

It is because you gain the confidence of people through your dependable
behavior, noble thoughts and honest actions.


You can be termed trustworthy only through your conduct and behavior.

Do you think that being a trustworthy person just means honesty?


It is not so.

It needs many more traits from you.

Here are the most essential traits to being a trustworthy person.

1. Being honest

Honesty is a main criterion in gaining the trust of others. When you are honest
people start trusting you.

Never think that not cheating in money matters alone is honesty. Honesty
means more than that.

There should be transparency in your behavior. You should never say one
thing and do another thing.

You should be open in your business dealings. When you have sly
under-the-table-dealings it will definitely destroy your trustworthiness.

When you are a trustworthy person, you show your true self to the outside
world. You do not put on a pretense to show to the outside world a façade which is not yours.

2. Keeping up promise

You never give false promises. When you promise something, you keep it up.

When you say you will do a favor to someone, you do it without fail.

You do not give promises to save your face. You never forget your promises
as you always promise what you intend to do.

You keep your words in your business so that you gain the confidence of your customers.

Your children trust you because you keep your word.

You never promise them the sky and deliver just a molecule. You tell your
children frankly what you will be able to do for them. And true to your word you keep up your promise.

You never give false promises to your spouse also.

There are no broken promises in your vocabulary.

Can you see how you keep up your promises in all phases of your life?

This is a hallmark of being a trustworthy person.

3. You never lie to save yourself

You never lie to save your back. When you commit a mistake, you own up.

You never lie to your children.

You never lie to your spouse.

You know that when you lie people will distrust you.

If you make a mistake you easily accept it and offer your sincere apology.

However tight your situation might be, you never wriggle out of it by lying.

4. You never cheat

You never cheat anyone in money matters.

You never cheat your spouse by indulging in extra marital affairs.

You never cheat in your business.

When you make dealings with your business counterpart, you stick to it.

This is the reason you have a steady and consistent business. You know that
if you are false and fake, your truthfulness will be doubted and suspected.

You are very punctual in delivering the goods in your business.

Your promptness makes you dependable person in your business circle.

Being a trustworthy person needs this trait very much.

5. You make yourself responsible

You never dodge your responsibility

You are responsible in your workplace.

You are a responsible son\daughter.

You are a responsible spouse.

However tedious your duties might be, you are dutiful and committed. You
might be fatigued and sapped, but you never shirk away from fulfilling your duties.

6. You never talk behind the back of others

You never talk ill about a person when he is not present. Whatever you have to say you say straight in the face of the person.

You never gossip or back bite.

You never look into the fence of other people just to talk behind their

7. You keep the secrets of others

When people confide to you, you do not confess about it to others.

Being a trustworthy person, you keep what other people say to you remain a secret always.

You never open the floodgates of gossip by spilling out all the secrets
people trustingly told you.

8. You are reliable 

People can rely on you for almost everything.

In your workplace, you are dedicated and sincere. You are loyal to the
company you are working for.

You are a reliable spouse in your relationship. Your committed to your
duties as a good husband\wife.

You are not a pretentious friend. Your friends can rely on you for timely
help and advice. You never give them wrong advice as you always wish good things happening to them.

9. You are positive

You are very encouraging and appreciative.

You do not pull down the energy level of your friends\relatives by being

You never mislead people with the deliberate intention of destroying them.

10. You are consistent

You do not change yourself to suit your interests.

Even if the situation demands a wee bit changeover from you, you never do

You are always your true self even if your situation is against you.

You never wear a mask of pretense to fulfill your personal interests.


“Trust is rebuilt by focusing not on what the other person did or did
not do, but on critiquing one’s own behavior, improving one’s trustworthiness, and focusing attention not on words and promises but on actions, attitudes and ways of being” – Kenneth Cloke

Do you know you can easily destroy your trustworthy image in a second?

One wrong word destroys your reliability.

One wrong action destroys your dependability.

One lie destroys your trustworthiness.

It is not easy to build up an image of being a trustworthy person.

It takes years before you could create an of a reliable person.

So, be careful you never jeopardize it.

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About Mathi

Mathi Surendran is passionate in writing about relationships and life. She is also the founder of the relationship blog
Having faced many challenges in her life, she writes to make others understand that there is always hope.
A new dawn awaits everyone.
“Life Reveals” is a blog which deals with an array of life shattering challenges most of you face. It offers many life transforming solutions to your seemingly impractical problems.

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