If you possess qualities of a truly happy person, you are indeed lucky.

Qualities of a truly happy person

You want to be a happy in your life more than anything else in the world, don’t you?

It is because happiness makes you feel satisfied and content in your life. But sadly, you find it impossible to be happy, as you are all knotted up about the way your life is shaping. You have so many problems in your life, that you lose your happiness.

Your continuous problems make you feel gloomy, that you will never see the light of your life. In your utter dejection, you lose your smile. You also lose your verve to live.

You point out many reasons for your unhappiness.

  • You are unhappy about your wretched past.
  • You are terrified that you might lose your job.
  • You are alarmed by your miserable present.
  • You are scared that your future might not be what you imagined it to be.

You are constantly unhappy, as you feel you are not good as others.

Can you see how you feel unhappy about almost everything in your life?

If you have such a melancholic mindset, you can never be happy in your life. When you are prone to see the negative aspects of your life than the positive aspects of it, happiness will forever elude you.

“I am unhappy by the way my life is shaping up, aunty. I do not think I can ever be as successful as my friends” Srikanth, a boy I knew told me with a depressive look on his face.

I was stunned to hear the young boy uttering such negative words. The young boy was just twenty-seven, and he worked in a reputed company.  He had so much to look for in his life.

Why was he feeling that his life was hopeless?

“What happened, Srikanth?” I asked the young man worryingly.

“Aunty, my management keeps on finding fault in my work. So, I literally hate my job. I have multiple relationship issues with my wife. All my friends are more successful than me. How can I feel happy, when I am facing all sort of problems in my life?” Sriram went on reeling the factors that was making him unhappy.

I looked at the young boy with astonishment. The young boy who had a long innings ahead of him, was making a mountain out of a mole.

“Srikanth, you must stop worrying about these small things. You can always improvise your work. If you sort out your relationship problems with your wife, you can enjoy your marriage. Do not compare your life with your friends, and concentrate your attention only on your life” I pacified the young boy.

“I am still not convinced, aunty. I feel that I am unlucky to face so much problems at such a young age” I could see that Srikanth can never feel happy, as he was seeing just the negative aspects of his life.

Negativity is a dejected mindset which a happy person never has. When you are negative, you cannot hope to be happy in your life. If you hope for a problem free life to feel happy, it is not going to happen.

A happy person also faces many problems in his life. But he takes all his problems in his stride, and never lets it dominate his life.

A happy person has many unique qualities that makes him enjoy life

Shall we now have a look into the unique qualities of a truly happy person?

The no 1. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are a positive mindset

You might face multiple problems in your life.  But you face it with guts, without buckling under the velocity of your problems. You do not take your problems too much to heart, as you know it is just a passing phase of your life, and not its entirety.

You easily bounce back, even after life knocks you down. You are that confident and assertive. You create your own happiness.

This trait is an essential quality of a truly happy person.

The no 2. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are you are always smiling

You have a smiling face, because you see only the positive side of life. Whatever might be your problems, you do not look drawn and sapped.

You are always smiling, when you interact with others. Your smile reaches your eyes, so that people like to interact with you.

People find your happiness infectious.

 The no 3. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are you also make others happy

You do not pull-down other people, by being gloomy and negative. You are humorous and jovial, and so make other people laugh.

You interact with others with friendliness. You are never withdrawn and aloof. People want to listen to you, as you have an excellent sense of humor.

Being humorous is yet another trait of an extremely happy person.

The no 4. Unique qualities of a happy person are you look well-groomed.

You look well-groomed, as your happy mindset will never allow you to look shabby and unkempt. You always present your positive side to others. People are drawn to you by your presentable appearance.

Your well-groomed looks are by-products of your confidence and sense of happiness.

The no 5. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are you are a great listener

You make others happy, by listening to them. You do not intrude, when others are talking with you. You listen attentively to what others say to you. You are an expert in people’s psychology.

You lend your ears to the woes of others, and give them solace and confidence. You reply with empathy, so that people instantly know that you were not uninterested and indifferent to what they told you. You never thrust your thoughts on others.

Being a great listener is one of the traits of a happy person.

The no 7. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are you always maintain your daily routine.

However down you might feel, you are always prompt in your routine work, as you never let your pressures buckle you into submission.

You go about your work, even after enduring a tough time. Your smile is intact, even when you are under great pressures.

All these behaviors obviously means that you are a happy person, doesn’t it?

The no 7. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are you are appreciative

Do you know that a depressive person does not see the good things in others?

But as a happy person, you appreciate others.

  • You appreciate the work of your colleagues.
  • You appreciate the obedience of your children.
  • You appreciate the care of your spouse.

Appreciation is the topmost quality of a happy person.

The no 8. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are you are responsible and accountable.

You do not blame others to hide your mistakes. You own up your mistakes, as you do not want others to feel unhappy because of you.

You accept your mistakes with the same spirit, as you do the appreciation of others.

The no 9. Unique qualities of a truly happy person are you like small things of life

You are happy at every tiny thing that happen around you. You like it, when your spouse makes you a hot cup of coffee when you are tired.

You are happy when you enjoy your precious me time, amidst your hectic work schedule. You are thrilled, when you see an old friend of yours.

You are excited by such small things in life, that you are always happy and fulfilled.

The no 10. Unique qualities of a happy person are you lift the spirit of others.

Your spirits are so uplifted, that you lift the spirits of others too.

You give others pep talk, that it makes people feel good about themselves.


Can you see how positive you are, because of your happy temperament?

Happiness can be practiced and cultivated. If you do not practice happiness, you can never enjoy life. When you practice happiness, even when you are facing the worst drubbing of your life, your life becomes enjoyable to you.

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About Mathi

Mathi Surendran is passionate in writing about relationships and life. She is also the founder of the relationship blog www.breezystorm.com.
Having faced many challenges in her life, she writes to make others understand that there is always hope.
A new dawn awaits everyone.
“Life Reveals” is a blog which deals with an array of life shattering challenges most of you face. It offers many life transforming solutions to your seemingly impractical problems.

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